Tuesday, January 31, 2012

So you had a bad day...part 2

Chloe and Calvin! head out to get medical attention for her. Now this means her secret is getting very, very thinly held. You see, her mother is Olivia, one of the old guard mages in game, and their family is extremely wealthy, like hundreds of millions of dollars wealthy. No one in game knows this; Chloe is just a street rat to them. Calvin! is a bit surprised and suspicious when Chloe's doctor turns out to be in the most exclusive neighborhood. After being seen, the receptionist informs Chloe that her records are gone. No big deal; that can happen. While there, Calvin! learns Chloe's last name, which is Cabot. Then they head to her dentist, also in that area. She gets treated and once again hears that there is absolutely no record of her. Not in the computer, no paper file. Now she is worried. They make a side trip to her bank and it's the same there. No account and no record of there ever being an account. Fuck.

I should also mention that poor Calvin! is now a walking bruise because of the vampire blood spell. The blood was pulled out of every pore, every orifice, everywhere. He is totally purple with red eyes. His explanation- a skin condition. Poor Calvin!.

Okay, we have Romulus with the dead animal. Chloe having her records being erased. What is going to happen to Calvin!? The two of them, Chloe and Calvin!, head to his house and find out. When they get there, they see his front door open and go in to find that someone has trashed the place. Everything has been destroyed; his furniture, his clothes, his carpets, his walls, everything. More alarming, Casey is not there. While on the phone to the police, Brand (a werewolf) shows up. He does a wolfy thing and tells the two of them what he has smelled. Calvin! and Chloe also promise any help needed to get Casey back. When that shit goes down, they will be in it.

After all of this, they both decide the best place to be would not be in their homes. They call Romulus and let him know they are picking him up and they all will be staying at the observatory. They pick him up and head up into the hills. They get there without incident (yay!). After relating all their various incidents, the two boys rest until Rebecca can get there. Chloe calls her mother and, instead of getting the usual brush off (they have issues that are slowly being mended), she is asked for her cell number and told her mother will call her back. Her mother calls back and tells Chloe that the company is under attack, to stay at the observatory, and not to do anything stupid. Right. Finally Rebecca shows up and does heal Chloe and Romulus. Following that, she lets the three of them in on what's going down. Apparently a new type of Entropy is being used to erase records and such. This is what her and Olivia and some others are fighting against. The group then tells her about what has happened and she uses her computer to compile photo sketches of the two Nephandi, Shade and Petite. She then asks them to work on the vampire angle and to gather as much information about what is going on as possible.

To get information about the vampire attack, Romulus, Calvin!, and Chloe head over to Monique's place. They ambush her just as she is leaving. She plays innocent but agrees to let the three of them follow her to a vampire meeting at Lethal's place. They get there and Lethal comes out to greet them. He tells them they will be allowed to stay if, and only if, they agree to back him up. There was a few tense moments when Calvin! relayed the information that he used sunlight on the attacking vampires and that Chloe had turned one of them to dust. Lethal gets Father John (a crazy vampire priest) to verify what he said. When he does, it kind of creeps Lethal out a bit. They go into the meeting and learn that Sabbat vampires have made a move into California territory. They were the ones that attacked at the rave. His orders are explicit; warn the vampires in every territory, kill any unknown vampire on sight, learn where they are hiding. Lethal also points the three of us out and tells every vampire there that we are on their side in this fight. Now for the fun part of the meeting.

Chloe goes to talk to Lethal  about the vampires and is a weirded out by his attitude. They really don't like each other but he is trying to be his own special brand of charming. He calls her sweet cheeks and even slaps her on her ass. Through gritted teeth, she informs him to never do that again. To not touch her, not ogle her, not even look at her. He acts confused and says he thought she liked him. She asks him where in the hell he got that idea. They both realize where at the same time and yell out, "CALVIN!" Meanwhile, Calvin! retreats to the bedroom with Monique and proceeds to break up with her in a very awkward manner. She seems rather incredulous that HE would break up with HER. Her parting shot was rather harsh. She basically told him that he was the lousiest lay she ever had (which is really bad considering she is a 300 year old vampire whore) and walks out. Now Chloe corners him about the whole Lethal thing and let's him know not to ever do anything like that again. He does get a bit of good news though. Chloe tells him, that since he broke up with Monique, she would now be able to sleep with him. During all this this, Romulus is speaking with Christian about all that is happening and keeping him at arms length. The blood drinking offer is still out there, after all. Then, poor Calvin! had to deal with Lethal. Calvin! made an offer to Lethal about sharing blood and quintessence. But Lethal wasn't buying any of it. He gave Calvin! an earful about how he knew Calvin! didn't like him and that he had feelings too. Calvin! eventually somewhat made amends and the meeting broke up.

The session ended there and it's back to Dresden next Sunday. Go Matt! 

So you had a bad day

A quick note: I decided to break my blog into two separate ones. This one, All Dysfunctions Normal, will be exclusively for gaming. I think it's appropriate since our games seem to run on various levels of dysfunction: not the GM's, they are awesome, but definitely the cast of characters. It will also be good for catching up any players who couldn't be at the current gaming session. Just trying to make it easier for everyone!

Okay, onto the night's excitement...and it was exciting. Considering it took place over approximately one 24 hour period, we managed to get a lot done and have a lot done to us. Let's get started.

We started with Calvin!, Romulus, and Chloe deciding what to do after the Nephandi Shade had unraveled her spell. Chloe and Calvin! decided that clubbing would be a great idea, while Romulus decided he had to head home. It must suck to have to work in the morning. On the plus side, going home would give him the chance to contact Rebecca and give her all the information we got on Shade's vehicle. So, they parted, Romulus heading to his apartment and Chloe and Calvin! going to Das Bunker. There was one small thing, as they were walking away, Chloe felt watched for a just a split second. However, it was gone so fast, she couldn't tell who it was or anything. She didn't recognize the 'feel' of the contact.

Unfortunately, Romulus had a nasty surprise waiting for him when he made to his place. There was an eviscerated...animal...of some sort in front of his door. Using magic, he was able to get a bead on whomever had left it and was able to follow him. By using his goggles, Romulus was able to keep the intruder in sight and to follow him. Eventually, he got close enough to tell him to stop or he, Romulus, would shoot him. The intruder turned and did...something. He then turned to continue to run away. Romulus used a telekinetic spell on him to basically freeze him into place. However, by using Spirit, the guy was able to side-step into the Umbra and get away. Luckily, by using Correspondence, Romulus was able to get an excellent picture of the guy before he escaped. So, Romulus heads back to his place, where he got a neighbor to call the police for him. They came and took the report about the dead animal but didn't get to excited about it. Romulus lives in a bad area and the police had better things to do. Finally getting into his place, he was able to send off the information to Rebecca. Unfortunately, he wasn't able to get any sleep before work the next day. He was able to hear back from Rebecca though. The license number, make, and model of the car turned up nothing. There were no records of it. 

We then cut back to Chloe and Calvin!, who had made it to Das Bunker. They were having a great time. There was a bit of drinking, smoking of illegal substance, and a bit of hand/body contact between the two of them. Chloe even kissed Calvin! a few times, which they both seemed to enjoy. After the club shut down, they decided to head off to the underground rave Chloe knew about. After getting there, they actually did a bit of investigating before they got down to partying by checking the rave out for the Nephandi they are looking for. No Nephandi types, so let the party begin. Alas, the party didn't go on too long before both Calvin! and Chloe felt a tremor in the building, like huge vehicles going by. Naturally, because she is a) underage and b) experienced in illegal rave going, Chloe's first thought was 'police'. Then the power was cut and the warehouse plunged into darkness. Instant chaos. Not police tactics. The doors then burst open and figures came in, some with glowing eyes. Chloe's first thought at seeing that was Technocracy, but Calvin! saw with Prime they were vampires. The vampires started attacking the rave goers and things turned very nasty, very fast.

Since quite a bit happened in a very short amount of time, I am going to condense it a bit. The vampires attacked the crowd. Calvin! had used Forces on one of the cattle prods they had to make it discharge into the vamp using it. Chloe used Entropy to find the least entropic, or safest way out. She then put a hex on the vamp holding the taser, so that he would drop it/it would fall into alcohol and start a fire (fire will kill vampires). Then Calvin! busted out the big guns and created sunlight in the warehouse. Since it was fueled by Prime, it did massive damage. Lots of vamps were dusted. By using magic, though, Calvin! had drawn the ire of a vampire who used his own brand of magic to pull about 3 pints of blood out of Calvin!. The vampire magic user didn't live though. Calvin! used the fire Chloe created to make him nice and toasty. The two of them managed to get up to the second floor window and make their escape. However, they promptly ran into two vampires coming from the back of the building. Chloe said 'fuck it' and hit the one holding the gun with full force Entropy Rend Pattern. One Vampire Turned to dust. The other raced by and totally punched her, breaking her nose, cracking a tooth, and knocking her flat on her ass.

The vampire attack had really pissed Calvin! off. He called Monique and was yelling at her about it. When she figured out what he was saying, she hung up on him. Pissed off even more, he called Lethal, who also hung up on Calvin! when he figured out what Calvin! was saying. The only good thing that came out of this was Calvin! finally agreed to break up with the vampire bitch. Getting to the observatory, Calvin! fired off a terse email to Rebecca stating GET HERE NOW. She replied FUCK YOU. While he was showering, Chloe sent off another email asking for Rebecca's help, saying that they were in a fight, were hurt, and apologizing for Calvin's! email. Thank god, it worked. Then it was time to get medical help for Chloe.

So ends part one of this exciting day. Stay tuned for the exciting conclusion.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

The return of Calvin!

Since Sunday is fast approaching and that means another gaming session, I really should write about what happened last week. We took a break from Dresden and went back to the Mage game. And that means the return of the uberslut...Calvin! One caveat though, it has been almost a week, so some of the events may be out of place. Damn my failing memory.

Let's get some background going here. Playing in game are four characters. We have Nate- an older gentleman (40's and a doctor) who has a massive library fetish, a huge father hen complex, and tries to avoid danger. There is Romulus- a steampunk (20ish and coffee shop worker) loner type who loves technology, loathes vampires, and generally doesn't get excited about much. Next is Chloe- a combo indie/punk/hippie (18 and lives off a trust fund) who lives for raves/clubbing, constantly acts before she thinks, and has a fairly big secret. Last, but certainly not least, is Calvin!- a famous B movie star (20's and rich) who is a massive slut, lives for getting into trouble, and is charming as hell. Just for the record, I will always be using the exclamation point after Calvin's! name because that IS Calvin!.

Last Sunday, we started the main story after getting through the prelude and it was very interesting. It started with Nate, Romulus, and Chloe at the observatory (their base of operations) after learning from the old guard mages who they would be fighting and that they had to basically stop the destruction of the world. Calvin! wasn't there for that. He had been in China filming his instant classic Flying Fists of Fury 3 or something like that. In order to get more info, Romulus contacted Rebecca (another mage) asking her for some info about the big fights that had gone down in decades past. We need info and allies and that seemed a good place to start. Chloe stayed out of that since Rebecca really doesn't like her for some reason. Chloe was off in another part of the house working on a private question. That leads into the return of Calvin!. He came to the observatory after a stop at his house. I should mention his houseguest, a 16 year old werewolf girl named Casey. We ran into her at a club and she just kind of moved in with him. Nate also lives with him. Back to what happened. Calvin! gets to the observatory and gets filled in on what has happened and what we have learned. The best part, he gives gifts to everyone and promises to go clubbing with Chloe that night.

Sidenote- Chloe will never admit it to him but she really likes Calvin! and wouldn't mind getting with him. However, there are a few obstacles to that. More on that later.

Back to the story. Here is where the chain of events gets fuzzy but I will do my best. Romulus and Calvin! decide to visit the one name that Rebecca gave them, a Bastet by the name of Cassandra Wilson. She was involved in the fight that took place during the 80's. She is also a well-known porn director, specializing in hardcore SM. The meeting went quite well and they did get a name of a vamp who had fought alongside her. Calvin!, being the Calvin!slut that he is, just had to try and seduce her. It somewhat worked. She was interested but in a predatory way. If he pursues it, she will definitely put the hurt on him. Almost forgot, before sunrise, Calvin! called his current love interest, a 300 year old vampire by the name of Monique. Chloe does not approve of this, as vamps are never up to any good, and gets him in trouble by making it seem that she was in bed with him. Calvin! is not amused and neither is Monique. She hangs up on Calvin!.

The day turns to night without much more happening. That night, Calvin! goes to visit his love and finds his vampire uberfan, Lethal, there as well. He eventually makes nice with Monique (yuck) and let's her drink from him...bad Calvin! I mean really, he wants to sleep with Chloe, really really bad. However, until he gives up his vampire whore there is no chance of that happening. Which makes Chloe kind of sad. He also gets back at Chloe by telling Lethal, who she cannot stand, that she is interested in him. Meanwhile, Romulus goes to meet the vampire by the name of Christian. He is the one that Cassandra said to go see. He is also in the porn business. While there, Christian makes Romulus an offer- let Christian drink from Romulus and he will give Romulus information. Not only does Romulus say no, he says hell no. Luckily, a fight was averted and Romulus was able to leave. No information gathered but the door to Christian is still there.

While all this was going down, Chloe was hitting a few of the clubs looking for three Nephandi (bad mages) they had met in the prelude part of the game. By sheer luck (yay....right), she runs into a young man by the name of Brad. He overhears her asking about the female mage, who calls herself Petite. He doesn't recognize the name but he does recognize the description. Chloes finds out from him that he ran into this girl at Sadie's, a very nasty, very hardcore SM club. There she goes by the name of Morte. After giving Chloe this information, he asks her on a date, which is very flattering. She says yes and they exchange numbers. Take that Calvin!. 

With the name of the club in hand, Chloe meets up with Romulus and Calvin!. They head over to Sadie's and realize it's worse then they thought. The place just felt all sorts of wrong. It had pain, evil, fear, and despair oozing from it. Once inside, they find an out of the way alcove and Chloe casts a time spell. She knows about when Brad's friend disappeared and searches for that specific time frame. She finds it and watches what happened. She sees Brad and his friend get there and sees his friend leave with Petite, aka Morte. She leaves the club, to keep the time scene going and to see what happened. The spell leads her to where Shade, another Nephandi, was waiting in a car for the two of them. He senses someone (Chloe) watching them and manages to unravel her spell but not before she is able to pass on to Romulus and Calvin! the make, model, and license plate number of his car.  

The evening ended there and will be picked up tomorrow. I can't wait!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Under pressure...part 2

To continue:

After her back room blows up, Michelle goes in and pulls the unconscious Sharee out. For a few seconds, Michelle just stands there, caught between wanting to help Sharee and fighting her 200+ year old creole bred urge for revenge. She definitely wants blood. She manages to control herself with the help of Jim (a troll customer who had been in earlier and had heard the explosion). Because of KTS, Michelle knows he is good and honorable and to be trusted. Since they can't take Sharee to the hospital (readers of the Dresden books know that wizards and technology do NOT mix...at all), the two of them gather up Sharee and head to Jack's. When they get there and are waiting for Jack to show up, Michelle gets on the phone to Blue and totally loses it. She is beyond pissed. Because he brought Jack into White Court politics, there was an attack against Sharee on neutral ground...on HER neutral ground. That is beyond a big no no. Michelle basically gave him no choice; he would have to give her whatever information she needed so she can skin every one of the White Court bastards involved. With the ominous promise of "we will be discussing this later", Michelle hangs up and helps get Sharee into Jack's apartment. Luckily, she wasn't hurt too bad, just some cuts, bruises, and a backache. When Sharee woke up, she was able to tell everyone what had happened and the message that Arthur- the White Vamp Lord - had given her. He wanted his mask back, the one that Jack in the previous game session had stolen. After a phone call to Warden Weststone to set up a meeting, the three of them head out to Temptations, where the meeting is taking place.

Once there, Michelle makes a formal complaint about the Accords violation to the Warden. Basically that means we are waiting for it to go through the appropriate channels and then we will hear back. Then Sharee got into her usual argument with him about his alcoholism, which was rather amusing. After that, Jack and Sharee went home and Michelle stayed to have that little chat with Blue. It took a couple of rounds of social combat (which I won! And, I didn't even need to play the "we're having sex" card!) but Michelle eventually got what she needed- the address of the vamp who brought the curse/trap into her shop. Though, she did have to promise Blue she wouldn't use it since he didn't want her to get hurt or killed, which was really sweet. She didn't have a problem promising that since she has a few ideas on how to get around that particular restriction. Then they had sex...sober sex this time and it was GREAT. The afterglow, however, was cut short by a scream from outside. Getting outside, they found the bouncer unconscious and a dead girl, who had been gutted, on the sidewalk in front of the club. Not wanting to but needing to, Michelle called Sharee and Jack back down there. Which turned out to be a good thing. Jack recognized her from the escort service he had been to while getting dirt on the Lord of the White Vamps. He was also to see that there was tear into our world from the Nevernever, which was how she was dumped. Which placed it firmly into the lap of Sharee's boss, the Fey Lord. Earlier, Sharee had let him know that the attack against his business wasn't aimed towards him but at our little group, mostly Jack and that it came from the White Court Vampires.

Waking the next morning, our three heroes set out to see just what they could fuck up that day. Jack went out to Sharee's house because they both realized that mask the White Vamp Lord wanted back was not picked up by either of them after their fight with the White Vamp flunkie. He didn't find the mask. However he did manage to get threatened by Sharee's mother, who was armed with a shotgun. Luckily Sharee was able to rein in her mother and they found out that the mask had been picked up by her crazy uncle and it was in his possession. It gets better. As Sharee was leaving, her mother commented about her friend (Davi- the player character currently in a coma) in the hospital being released. That was not a good thing to hear. So, off to Michelle's they went, who was blissfully unaware of anything and just cleaning up her shop. She also mailed off two invoices to the White Vamps one of the estimate for fixing her shop and the other for replacing her inventory. Most of the rest of the game was basically running about. Michelle verified that Davi had been released from the hospital, into the care of his "uncle", his "uncle" who was the White Vamp Lord. Sharee and Jack attempted to locate Davi by using a location spell but it was blocked. Michelle went to set up a meeting on neutral ground with Arthur the White Vamp Lord. The game ended with all of them at Temptations having a meeting with the Archive, who basically was setting the ground rules for what would happen with the formal complaint Michelle made. It would be a duel to the death, which she, the Archive, would referee. However, the White Court could settle the invoices that Michelle sent (which would be for the best since there is no way in hell Michelle can beat a White Court Champion in battle and she wouldn't ask anyone else to do it for her) and the matter would be considered closed.

So, where does that leave us? Basically fucked. Trying to get all this straight, Lana and I sat down Tuesday and figured out all of our threats, allies, and possible threats or allies currently in the game. This is what we came up with:


Martin- which also includes the coin containing the Fallen Angel he gave to Davi
A second Black Court Vamp- who has just shown up in town
The Ghuls- attacking the gang members- and whomever is sending them
Red Court Vamps- our main guess for who is sending out the Ghuls
1/3 of the White Court Vamps- House Skavis...basically all of them
Adam- the Fey Lord trying to fuck Sharee
Sharee's Crazy Uncle- he has the mask we need and not sure if we can get it back
Jack's possessed dagger- that could get him killed, esp if turned into the White Council


Jim- the honorable troll/carpenter
Warden Weststone- even though he is drunk most of the time
Lucas Sims- Minuteman leader who investigates weird shit that happens

Possible Threats or Allies (unsure)

Tommy- Adam's son, he wants to date Sharee
Blue- no love for House Skavis but he IS a White Court Vamp. His possible feelings for Michelle may keep him on our side.
Us- really, no explanation needed here. If there is trouble, we will make it worse. If there isn't any trouble, we will create it somehow.

Next week, we take a break from Dresden to play the Mage game. Cannot wait!

Under pressure

After a break due to the holidays, we finally returned to gaming. And, we are getting fucked. In both the good and bad sense. I know he will probably never read this but my hat goes off to Matt. The Dresden game he's running is turning out to be one hell of a ride. And, it just keeps getting better.

When we last left our intrepid heroes...well, I will just let you read the posts on that. Too much happened to go through it all again. So, we started the session the morning after all the violence and sex happened. Michelle awoke to unwanted house guests (gang members Tbone left there to guard her) but, since they made coffee for her, she didn't get too upset. She actually got some work done, which was good. She has been neglecting it shamefully. Sharee, unfortunately, didn't have such a good morning. She woke up to her mother having a fit about, not one but two, strange white men in her house. After breakfast and mollifying her mother, Sharee went to work. What happened with that, she would have been better off calling in sick. Once there, she found out that someone had thrown a brick through the front window. Since she works at a famous gay bar, no big surprise. Right? Wrong. When she touched the brick, she could feel a small bit of residual magic. Using this info, Sharee makes a deal with Adam, her boss and the Fey Lord who is causing her all sorts of problems. If it is a threat to him or his family and she takes care of it, he will wake up her grandmother and consider the debt paid. If it's not a threat to him, she gets a weeks paid vacation. Win win...yeah...right.

So, we cut back to Michelle. After getting work done, she calls Tbone and has him come over. Trying to help him, she tells him about thresholds: how they are made, how they work, and how to use them. She also wants to check out the gang for infiltrators. Ghuls are sneaky little fuckers and cloak themselves as humans. Know True Self is a great power. After that and before opening her shop, she goes to visit Davi in the hospital. While there, she uses her Know True Self and checks out the gang members guarding him. They are okay, except  they have white silk cords around their necks. Which means they have been influenced, most probably by White Court Vampires. She calls Tbone and tells him to send replacements and to not let the influenced ones into the house.

Lest you think Jack is having a good morning, he heads home only to find that his door is open and his wards are gone. Not good. As he checks his apartment, a young man walks towards him, sees Jack, and starts to run away. Jack promptly gives chase. He isn't able to catch him but he does manage to get him to drop something. When Jack finds it, it turns out to be the dagger that holds the soul of his dead mentor. His dead mentor that he killed with magic. After that bit of joy, it cut back to Sharee, who was going to see Michelle.

At the shop, Michelle was working when Sharee came in and wanted a few items and a place to perform her ritual on the brick. Not a problem. While she was doing that in the back, a customer came in and wanted a few items. Seeing that he was White Court and noting that the items he wanted were for a curse, Michelle refused. She knew about Jack's job for Blue and knew who was the likely recipient of the curse. Not going to happen. After a bit of tense back and forth conversation, he left. Looking at the list again, Michelle saw that the items on there could also be some sort of booby trap. They were. Her backroom exploded into lightning, knocking Sharee unconscious and destroying the interior.

Stay tuned for part two of this exciting session...